Rest, Rejuvenate, Rejoice

Christmas blessings to all! Wishing safety with the weather, quality time spent with family and friends, and special memories. With all the preparations, may we find ways to slow down and enjoy the time with others so we don’t miss it. Life is so short, not guaranteed, and time is precious!

Was reflecting on how blessed I’ve been with all the relationships in my life. One colleague shared a Christmas greeting wishing me “time to rest, rejuvenate, and rejoice in the season”. I really liked those three “R’s” so for this column, digging into them more with the help of a dictionary and some reflection.

Rest – “Cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength”. I think of this past year with the work put in by many. The difficulty and challenges, the joy when some rain came – how many of us actually stood out in it a little while 😊, the incredible amount of learning, the character built in the midst of adversity. Even since harvest, I’ve heard from many how it’s been such a strange few months of going hard with the weather so nice. Many in various occupations have mentioned it doesn’t seem like the Christmas season with how nice the weather has been. There’s also much that people do to prepare for the end of the year and the Christmas season.

We all need rest; it may look different for each of us, but we all need times to relax and recover physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. So my hope is that we all may be intentional about finding rest in some way this Christmas through New Year season, and throughout the coming year!

Rejuvenate – “Given new energy or vigor, revitalized”. How many of us don’t want this?! And perhaps this comes as a result of resting? I think sometimes challenges and the stress at hand can provide new energy to tackle the challenge, which is helpful. But I’m mostly thinking of finding passion and interest to tackle a new goal or project. As we think about the new year, what is something you would like to try or do differently?

As I think of the farming community I serve, too many told me this past year that “farming is no longer fun”. I mentioned this in a talk this December – almost the entire room of people raised their hands in agreement. That’s just sad to me. The stress I see and feel from those I serve has been exponential in the past 5-7 years. If you resonate with that statement, may I ask us all to think about our “Why” before next growing season? Why do we do this?-and perhaps write it and place it somewhere to remind you during challenges next year. Why is farming no longer fun and what would make it fun for you again? Some examples from conversations with me included the need to try something different on a few acres, giving up some ground, spending more time with family, diversifying an enterprise, focusing on increasing the quality on one piece of ground, changing a crop enterprise, learning a new skill. Would encourage us all to set a goal around something that would rejuvenate us.

Rejoice – “Feel or show great joy or delight”. What we rejoice in or about can differ for us all. As I looked around my house, I realize many of my Christmas decorations have a “Joy” theme. As we think of Christmas, with my faith, I’m rejoicing in God’s rescue plan of humbling himself to be born as a baby who would live a perfect life, die, and rise again conquering sin and death so that in believing and receiving, we could have hope of eternal life with him! You may believe in something else that gives you joy and may have a different belief surrounding this time of year. Another way to rejoice is to think about gratitude. As we reflect this Christmas season of all we’ve been given and blessed with, of the people in our lives, of the people who have passed on who impacted our lives, may we all find reasons to rejoice!
So as my friend wished this for me, here’s wishing us all, “time to rest, rejuvenate, and rejoice in the season”!

I think this is such a beautiful and powerful rendition – Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

It’s also Extension reporting season. If you would be so kind to share any comments on how the Extension work I did impacted you this past year, I’d appreciate it. Thanks!
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About jenreesources

I'm the Crops and Water Extension Educator for York and Seward counties in Nebraska with a focus in irrigated crop production and plant pathology.

Posted on December 23, 2023, in JenREES Columns, Reflections and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Jenny,

    Another excellent and timely column.

    I voted and I provided comments. It looks like 8 others have done the same. We need more Jennie’s.

    Merry Christmas!

    Mike McDonald

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