Soil Moisture 5-17-18

Hoping these graphs change for us after this past weekend’s rain events!  These readings were taken as of 5/17/18.

Byron 5-17-18

As of 5/17/18, total soil moisture depletion in this field stayed fairly steady.  The top two feet are nearing field capacity.

Superior 5-17-18

At the Superior location as of 5/17/18, total soil moisture depletion remained around 40%.  The first foot is nearing field capacity with the second foot nearing 35% depletion.

At the Lawrence location I’m just sharing last week’s graphs from 5/10/18.  Soybean was planted into the corn stubble on 5/11/18 and the sensors were removed and re-installed with the readings needing time to adjust.  The farmer said it was so dry he had to use a drill to re-install the moisture sensors.  I have no idea what happened in the soybean stubble field but the readings this past week were crazy so decided to share new graphs on the Lawrence location next week.

Lawrence 5-10-18 CornLawrence 5-10-18 Soy

About jenreesources

I'm the Crops and Water Extension Educator for York and Seward counties in Nebraska with a focus in irrigated crop production and plant pathology.

Posted on May 20, 2018, in Soil Moisture and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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